
Here is a list of some of the people who volunteer their time to make the SMTS possible.

Position Name Contact
President Chad Williams: Website chad@beyondthealgorithm.ca
Vice-President Ilona Vashchyshyn vashchyshyn.i@gmail.com
Treasurer Cam McCrae cam.mcrae@gmail.com
Secretary Lana Steiner lanarae_6@yahoo.com
Director Anita Hamm
Director Robin Dubriel
Director Judson Trenholm
Director Heather Morin
Director Randa Marcus
University of Saskatchewan
Student Representative
Naomi Loyola
University of Regina
Student Representative
Bella Moola
Member at Large Kirsten Dyck
Member at Large Stacey Harvey
Member at Large Michael Graham
Editors of ‘The Variable’ Nat Banting: Website

Ilona Vashchyshyn



Past President Michelle Naidu michelle@smts.ca
University of Saskatchewan Representative Egan Chernoff
University of Regina Representative Gale Russell  gale@smts.ca
Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation
NCTM Regional Services Representative Chad Williams: Website chad@beyondthealgorithm.ca

Please note: Views expressed on personal websites do not necessarily represent those of the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society.