the subscript
Bite-sized ideas for your math classroom.
- Janice Novakowski and the British Columbia Reggio-Inspired Mathematics Project have created a monthly digital newsletter. Subscribe for new routines, games, and other resources for early math learners.
- The February issue of M Magazine by Marian Small features Kirsten Dyck (SMTS vice-president) as Educator of the Month. The first three issues of this digital magazine are free, and each issue has plenty of videos and articles for Canadian math educators.
- Scott Westwell shares great ideas for establishing classroom culture during the first days of a secondary math course in this Twitter thread.
- Games offer children a great way to develop mathematical reasoning through logic and strategy. The curators of Show Me Your Math have compiled a great list of logic games here.
- Jennifer Barker describes an all-ages routine called “Tell Me Everything” in this short and sweet blog post. Watch the routine in action in a Kindergarten classroom in this video.
- In their new podcast, Regina math teachers Kyle Webb and Dean Vendramin share stories from Saskatchewan teachers using Peter Liljedahl’s Building Thinking Classroom framework.
- Shawn Godin’s Alternate Angles column on problem solving, previously published in The Variable, has a new home on the SMTS website. Check out his latest post, Slicing Squares.
the subscript is compiled by the executive of the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society. Suggestions are always welcome! Email