More Information

The Saskatchewan Math Challenge regularly sees approximately 200 students registered. As a teacher who is supervising a club/team/group of students, we need your help to make this event run smoothly. In particular, we ask that you:

  • Prior to registration, carefully read the coach letter – we are excited to introduce some major changes to the 2016 version of the Math Challenge!
  • Discuss how the day will run with participating students (you may wish to hand out this letter of invitation/information)
  • Solidify the student teams before the day of the Challenge
  • Understand that you will be asked to supervise a room with multiple teams in it to ensure that the spirit of the competition is followed (use of calculators, collaboration, etc.)
  • Ensure that your students arrive and depart from the Math Challenge safely
  • Monitor student behaviour

If you are part of a large club, we would appreciate it if you would have multiple supervisors (i.e., approximately one supervisor for every three to four teams).

If you have any questions regarding the Math Challenge, please contact Nat Banting at