the subscript 01.26

the subscript
Bite-sized ideas for your math classroom.

  • Our annual SMTS conference registration is open! Join us for a full day with Marian Small at the pre-conference workshop. Howie Hua is our other keynote speaker kicking off the conference. Find all the details at for April 18/19. Discounts for students and free registration for session speakers! YouTube conference video is here for sharing on your socials
  • Building Thinking Classrooms (Part 2) in-person workshop with Peter Liljedahl is coming up ( in Regina on Feb 28, 2024 
  • Dean Vendramin, a teacher from Regina, was awarded the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence in STEM Regina high school teacher receives national award | CTV News
  • The annual FREE virtual math summit from Build Math Minds is open for registration. Lots of workshops with a focus on elementary and middle years mathematics taking place in February
  • With support from the STF and STFPL, the first workshops for Seeking Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Mathematics (middle years)  are rolling out this winter (Lloydminster) and spring (Stobart). See the STFPL calendar of events for registration information. Elementary and Secondary workshops are in the planning stages too
  • A team of Saskatchewan teachers continue to release podcast episodes on Think Thank Thunk. Available anywhere you listen to your podcasts
  • The National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) in New York is accepting applications for their summer institute. Be part of a cohort of teachers and get an in-person trip to New York to dive into their award winning lessons
  • For those looking for great math tasks, you can now pre-order of Maegan Giroux & Peter Liljedahl’s K-5 Task book  You can use the discount code ENJOY30 for 30% off 

the subscript is compiled by the executive of the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society. Feedback, questions, and suggestions for future issues are always welcome