Extracurricular Opportunities for Students
This page highlights local and national extracurricular opportunities for K-12 students interested in mathematics, including collaborative, individual, online, and in-person challenges, contests, and camps. For dates, registration procedures and applications, and other information about the contests listed, please head to the contest websites, included below the descriptions. If we have missed an event that should be on our list, please contact us at thevariable@smts.ca.
If you are looking for contests available in other provinces, head to the Canadian Mathematical Society website (cms.math.ca/Competitions/othercanadian). The CMS also maintains a list of resources for students who are looking to build their problem-solving skills and succeed in competitions:
Local Events and Competitions
Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest
Written in Spring
The purpose of this competition is to introduce youngsters from Grade 1 to Grade 12 to math challenges in a fun and enjoyable way, thus inspiring their further interest and advancement in mathematics. The competition is held yearly in more than 40 Canadian cities. Students may choose to participate in English or in French.
Students in Saskatoon may write the contest at Walter Murray Collegiate; students in Regina may write the contest at the University of Regina. Contact Janet Christ at christj@spsd.sk.ca (Saskatoon) or Patrick Maidorn at patrick.maidorn@uregina.ca (Regina).
Extreme Math Challenge
The Extreme Math Challenge is a math competition for students in Grades 7 to 10 consisting of three rounds: individual, team, and team relay. The event will challenge students mathematically and encourage them to work together to solve math problems. Oh, and there will be prizes, too! Contact MilnerC@spsd.sk.ca for more details.
University of Regina Regional Math Camp
The Math Camp is a full day event for students in Grades 1 through 12 who are interested in exploring the infinite frontier of mathematics beyond the school curriculum. Participants are guided by professors and students through a fun and enriching day. In a variety of grade appropriate sessions, students will explore mathematical topics in hands-on activities, games, puzzles, and more.
National Competitions
Canadian Computing Competition
Written in February
Presented by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (University of Waterloo)
The Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) is a fun challenge for secondary school students with an interest in programming. It is an opportunity for students to test their ability in designing, understanding and implementing algorithms. Students may compete in one of two levels: Junior Level – any student with elementary programming skills; Senior Level – any student with intermediate to advanced programming skills.
Canadian Team Mathematics Contest
Written in April
Presented by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (University of Waterloo)
The Canadian Team Mathematics Contest (CTMC) is a fun and challenging competition for teams of 6 secondary school students in any combination of grades. One teacher and groups of six students participate at their own school over 3 consecutive hours.
Caribou Mathematics Competition
Held six times throughout the school year
The Caribou Mathematics Competition is a worldwide online contest that is held six times throughout the school year. Each of these days, five contests are offered, one for each of the grade levels 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12 and each one in English, French and Persian. Available in English, French, and Persian.
Euclid Mathematics Contest
Written in April
Presented by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (University of Waterloo)
The Euclid Mathematics Contest is an opportunity for students in their final year of secondary school and motivated students in lower grades to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem solving ability. Most of the problems are based on the mathematical curriculum up to and including the final year of secondary school. Written in April.
Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Mathematics Contests
Written in April
Presented by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (University of Waterloo)
The Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Math Contests are an opportunity for students to write a full-solution contest. They are fun way to develop mathematical problem solving skills through a written mathematical activity. For students in Grades 9 (Fryer), 10 (Galois) and 11 (Hypatia).
Gauss Mathematics Contests
Written in May
Presented by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (University of Waterloo)
The Gauss Contests are an opportunity for students to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem solving ability. For all students in Grades 7 and 8 and interested students from lower grades.
Written in February
Presented by the Groupe des responsables en mathématique au secondaire
A French-language mathematics challenge for secondary students who would like to exercise and develop their problem-solving skills.
Pascal, Cayley, and Fermat Contests
Written in February
Presented by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (University of Waterloo)
The Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Contests are an opportunity for students to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem solving ability. For students in Grades 9 (Fryer), 10 (Galois) and 11 (Hypatia).
Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
Written in November
Presented by the Canadian Mathematical Society
A national mathematics competition open to any student with an interest in and grasp of high school math. The purpose of the COMC is to encourage students to explore, discover, and learn more about mathematics and problem solving. The competition serves to provide teachers with a unique student enrichment activity during the fall term. Available in English and French. Written in November.
Approximately the top 50 students from the COMC will be invited to write the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO). Students who excel in the CMO will have the opportunity to be selected as part of Math Team Canada — a small team of students who travel to compete in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).
The Virtual Mathematical Marathon
Supported by the Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council
The virtual Mathematical Marathon has been developed by an international team of mathematicians, mathematics educators and computer science specialists with the help of the Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council and its PromoScience program.
The main activity is a competition allowing students to enjoy solving challenging mathematical problems all year around. Students can join the game at any time and at no cost, simply creating an individual profile with an individual username and a password. Available in French.
Other Resources
Canada Math YouTube Channel
CanadaMath is a large online collection of tutorial videos for North American Grades 7-12 mathematics competitions, including the Gauss, Pascal, Cayley, Fermat, and Euclid contests.