In this monthly column, you’ll find information about upcoming math education-related workshops, conferences, and other events. Some events fill up fast, so don’t delay signing up!
For more information about a particular event or to register, follow the link provided below the description. If you know about an event that should be on our list, please contact us at
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Within Saskatchewan
Beyond Saskatchewan
Online workshops
Within Saskatchewan
Structures for Differentiating Middle Years Mathematics
October 11, 2018
Lloydminster, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit
We know that assessing where students are at in mathematics is essential, but what do we do when we know what they do not know? What do we do when they DO know? Understanding does not change unless there is an instructional response to what we know from that assessment. The question we ask ourselves is how we might respond to individual needs without having to create completely individualized mathematics programs in our classrooms. This workshop will include significant planning time for teams to get started in their own differentiation plans. It is also suited for educators who have already attended the Structures for Differentiation workshop.
More information at
Structures for Differentiating Elementary Years Mathematics
October 17, 2018
Lloydminster, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit
We know through formative assessments that our elementary students are at different places in their understanding of mathematics, but how do we structure our classrooms to meet their individual needs? This workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to design their classroom structure so that it allows children to move flexibly among large groups, small groups and individual instruction. By having a structure in place, teachers can create a differentiated learning experience without creating individualized learning programs for every child.
Multi-Graded Mathematics
October 24, 2018
Moose Jaw, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit
How do you address all of the needs within your combined grades mathematics classroom? By looking at themes across curricula, teachers can plan for diverse needs and address outcomes at two grade levels without having separate lesson plans. Curricular through lines and planning templates will be shared that are helpful for identifying how concepts grow over the grades, so that you can build a learning continuum within your instruction.
More information at
Saskatchewan Understands Math (SUM) Conference
November 2-3, Saskatoon, SK
Presented by the SMTS
The Saskatchewan Understands Math (SUM) conference is for mathematics educators teaching in Grades K-12 and all levels of educational leadership interested in mathematics curriculum, instruction, number sense, problem-solving, culturally responsive teaching, and technology integration, and will bring together international and local facilitators to work in meaningful ways with participants in a variety of formats. This year, SUM is proud to welcome keynote speaker Lisa Lunney-Borden of St. Francis Xavier University.
More information at
Making Math Class Work
November 5, 2018
Tisdale, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit
Math classrooms across Saskatchewan are increasingly complex and diverse. Meeting everyone’s needs can be daunting, even with all of the instructional strategies and structures available to teachers. Number Talks, Guided Math, Rich Tasks, Problem Based Learning, Open Questions, High Yield Routines are just some of the strategies available to teachers, but where to start? Come work collaboratively to problem solve how to make math class work for you and your students.
More information at
Beyond Saskatchewan
Geeks Unite 2.0: Math and Science Joint Conference
October 19-20, 2018
Edmonton, AB
Presented by the Mathematics and Science Councils of the Alberta Teachers’ Association
Join the Mathematics and Science Councils of the Alberta Teachers’ Association in celebrating their annual fall conference in Enoch, Alberta. This year’s keynote speakers are Jo Boaler, Professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University and faculty director of youcubed, and Jill Heinerth, a Canadian cave diver, underwater explorer, writer, photographer, film-maker and Fellow of The Royal Canadian Geographical Society.
More information at
57th NorthWest Mathematics Conference
October 18-20, 2018
Whistler, BC
Presented by the British Columbia Association of Mathematics Teachers
The BCAMT is proud to present the 2018 edition of the NorthWest Mathematics Conference in beautiful Whistler, BC! This year’s keynote speakers are Tracy Zager, Annie Fetter, and Nat Banting. Featured speakers are Marian Small, Graham Fletcher, Michael Fenton, Christina Tondevold, Fawn Nguyen, Dan Finkel, and Chris Shore.
More information at
Online workshops
Education Week Math Webinars
Presented by Education Week
Once a month, Education Weekly has a webinar focusing on math. They also host their previous webinars on this site. Previous webinars include Formative Assessment, Dynamic vs. Static Assessment, Productive Struggling and Differentiation.
Past webinars:
Upcoming webinars: