Intersections (July edition): Upcoming professional development opportunities

In this monthly column, you’ll find information about upcoming math (education)-related workshops, conferences, and other events that will take place in Saskatchewan and beyond. If travel is not an option at this time or if you prefer learning from the comfort of your own home, see the Online workshops and Continuous learning online sections below. Some events fill up fast, so don’t delay signing up! For more information about a particular event or to register, follow the link provided below the description.

If know about an event that should be on our list, please leave a comment below or contact ilona (at) smts (dot) ca.

Within Saskatchewan 



SUM Conference
November 4th – 5th, Saskatoon, SK
Presented by the SMTS

Our own annual conference! Join us for two days packed with learning opportunities, featuring keynotes Max Ray-Riek and Grace Kelemanik and featured presenter Peg Cagle. This conference is for math educators teaching in K-12, and registration includes lunch on Friday and a two-year SMTS membership. Click here for more information, and keep checking our website in the coming months for registration details.


Using Provincially Available Technologies, Applications and Learning Resources in K-12 Classrooms
July 25th, Saskatoon, SK

Presented by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and the Ministry of Education

Teachers and students in kindergarten to Grade 12 have access to a number of no-cost technologies, applications and resources that support teaching and learning. These technologies, when used correctly, can overcome bandwidth limitations and challenges experienced in many Saskatchewan classrooms. This hands-on session will focus on provincially accessible technologies and resources, such as live streaming (the LIVE Network), web conferencing (Adobe Connect and Collaborate), learning management systems (Blackboard), recommended videos (ROVER), online magazines, journals and newspapers, and other resources. These systems are all funded provincially and available to the education system in Saskatchewan.


Hack the Classroom
July 25th, Regina, SK
$110 (early bird), $150 (standard)

Presented by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation

This session will provide participants an opportunity to pursue and discuss technology topics that interest them. A wide variety of technology integration ideas will be presented such as BYOD, Genius Hour, Formative Assessment, Coding in the Classroom, Twitter, Web Tools, Digital Citizenship and more. Every effort will be made to tailor the session to meet the needs and wants of the participants.


Educator Well-Being: You First
July 26th, Moose Jaw, SK
$110 (early bird), $150 (standard)

Presented by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation

“In case of an emergency, put your own oxygen mask on first, before assisting others.” While we understand the value of this familiar phrase, doing the equivalent in our busy lives is a challenge. Seldom do we put our own well-being first. This is especially true for educators – the caring profession. Yet, the benefits of well-being are recognized by research and by testimonials from people all over the world. This workshop is based on Positive Psychology, an emerging field of scientific study and research that promotes optimal human functioning. Well-being is a skill to be learned that requires practice, just like math, athletics and playing an instrument.


Comprehension Strategies in All Subject Areas
July 27th, Saskatoon, SK
$110 (early bird), $150 (standard)
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

Students are faced with increasingly complex texts in every subject area. Research literature confirms the importance of explicitly teaching comprehension strategies to students to support their understanding. By explicitly teaching comprehension strategies in subject areas such as science and math, teachers can help students develop deeper understanding of these and other subject areas. This workshop will have participants experience a number of practical strategies that they can connect back to the subjects that they teach.


Structures for Differentiating Elementary Mathematics
July 28th, Saskatoon, SK
$110 (early bird), $150 (standard)

Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

We know through formative assessments that our elementary students are at different places in their understanding of mathematics, but how do we structure our classrooms to meet their individual needs? This workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to design their classroom structure so that it allows children to move flexibly among large groups, small groups and individual instruction. By having a structure in place, teachers can create a differentiated learning experience without creating individualized learning programs for every child.


Research Skills Refresher for Teachers
July 28th, Regina, SK

Presented by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and the Ministry of Education

This hands-on research skills session will focus on: locating professional electronic resources (journals, magazine and reports), practical research skills for students and teachers, and subscription databases available to both students and teachers. Participants will need their Blackboard username/password.

This workshop is offered in partnership with the Ministry of Education.


Multi-Graded Mathematics Instruction
August 3rd, Saskatoon, SK
$110 (early bird), $150 (standard)

Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

How do you address all of the needs within your combined grades mathematics classroom? By looking at themes across curricula, teachers can plan for diverse needs and address outcomes at two grade levels without having separate lesson plans. Curricular through lines and planning templates will be shared that are helpful for identifying how concepts grow over the grades, so that you can build a learning continuum within your instruction.


Structures for Differentiating Middle Years Mathematics
August 15th, Saskatoon, SK
$110 (early bird), $150 (standard)

Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

We know that assessing where students are at in mathematics is essential, but what do we do when we know what they don’t know? What do we do when they DO know? Student understanding does not change unless there is an instructional response to an assessment. This workshop will introduce an Assess-Respond- Instruct Cycle in mathematics, as well as responsive stations as a classroom structure to meet individual student needs, without having to create a completely individualized mathematics program in your classroom.


Number Talks and Beyond: Building Math Communities Through Classroom Conversation
August 15th, Saskatoon, SK
$110 (early bird), $150 (standard)

Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

Classroom discussion is a powerful tool for supporting student communication, sense-making and mathematical understanding. Curating productive math talk communities requires teachers to plan for and recognize opportunities in the live action of teaching. Come experience a variety of classroom numeracy routines including number talks, counting circles, quick images and more. Take math conversations to the next level by strengthening your skills as a facilitator of classroom discourse and student thinking.


Structures for Differentiating Mathematics – Part Two
August 17th, Saskatoon, SK
$110 (early bird), $150 (standard)

Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

The journey continues! This workshop is for educators who have already attended the structures for elementary or middle years workshops and would like to continue refining their differentiation practices. We will share our experiences using the Assess-Respond-Instruct Cycle and then work collaboratively to plan new units of study or revise and improve existing materials.


Beyond Saskatchewan 

MCATA Fall Conference 2016: Opening Your Mathematical Mind
October 21-22, Canmore, AB
Presented by the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association

Come join the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association in celebrating their annual fall conference “Opening Your Mathematical Mind” at the Coast Canmore Hotel & Conference Centre, 511 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore, Alberta. Featuring Keynote Speakers Dr. Peter Liljedahl of Simon Fraser University and Dr. Ilana Horn of Vanderbilt University.


Online workshops

Math Daily 3
July 31th–August 22nd or August 28–September 24
Presented by the Daily CAFE

Learn how to help your students achieve mathematics mastery through the Math Daily 3 structure, which comprises Math by Myself, Math with Someone, and Math Writing. Allison Behne covers the underlying brain research, teaching, and learning motivators; classroom design; how to create focused lessons that develop student independence; organizing student data; and differentiated math instruction. Daily CAFE online seminars combine guided instruction with additional resources you explore on your own, and are perfect for those who prefer short bursts of information combined with independent learning.


Continuous learning online

Education Week Math Webinars
Presented by Education Week

Once a month, Education Weekly has a webinar focusing on math. They also host their previous webinars on this site. Previous webinars include Formative Assessment, Dynamic vs. Static Assessment, Productive Struggling and Differentiation.

Past webinars:
Upcoming webinars: