Intersections (November edition): Upcoming professional development opportunities

In this monthly column, you’ll find information about upcoming math education-related workshops, conferences, and other events. Some events fill up fast, so don’t delay signing up!

For more information about a particular event or to register, follow the link provided below the description. If you know about an event that should be on our list, please contact us at

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Within Saskatchewan
Beyond Saskatchewan

Online workshops

Within Saskatchewan


Using Tasks in High School Mathematics
November 20, Saskatoon, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

Using tasks in a high school mathematics classroom can provide rich opportunities for differentiated learning and authentic assessment.  How do we choose tasks that meet both curricular outcomes and student needs? Tasks allow students to enter mathematics where they are at and extend their learning. In this workshop we will look at a variety of resources for finding good high school tasks. We will also reflect and discuss what planning and teaching moves can assist in maximizing student learning through mathematics tasks.


Early Learning with Block Play
November 24, Saskatoon, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

This is a one-day workshop for early learning educators from prekindergarten, kindergarten and Grade 1 to work collaboratively to discover and deepen their understandings around the many foundational skills that children develop during block play. Through concrete, hands-on activities, participants will experience and examine the many connections between block play and curricular outcomes, and the current research on the topic. Participants will have opportunity for reflection on their current practice, planning for block play and for creating a network of support.


Structures for Differentiating Middle Years Mathematics Part 1 and 2
November 28, 2018, Tisdale, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

We know that assessing where students are at in mathematics is essential, but what do we do when we know what they don’t know? What do we do when they DO know? Understanding does not change unless there is an instructional response to what we know from that assessment. The question we ask ourselves is how we might respond to individual needs without having to create completely individualized mathematics programs in our classrooms. This workshop will include significant planning time for teams to get started in their own differentiation plans. It is also suited for educators who have already attended the Structures for Differentiation workshop.


Using Tasks in Middle Years Mathematics
January 15, 2018, Saskatoon, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

Using tasks in a middle years mathematics classroom can provide rich opportunities for differentiated learning and authentic assessment. How do we choose tasks that meet both curricular outcomes and student needs? Tasks allow students to enter mathematics where they are at and extend their learning. In this workshop we will look at a variety of resources for finding good middle years tasks. We will also reflect and discuss what planning and teaching moves can assist in maximizing student learning through mathematics tasks.


Beyond the Worksheet: Building Mathematical Fluency and Automaticity With Games
January 16, 2018, Saskatoon, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

Looking for a way to increase engagement while targeting mathematical fluency in your math class? Games are a wonderful way to support fluency development, conceptual understanding, reasoning, communication skills, vocabulary and more! Come join us in exploring how to leverage high quality math games that will engage students while supporting your curricular goals.


Multi-Graded Mathematics
February 9, 2018, Moose Jaw, SK
Presented by the Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit

How do you address all of the needs within your combined grades mathematics classroom? By looking at themes across curricula, teachers can plan for diverse needs and address outcomes at two grade levels without having separate lesson plans. Curricular through lines and planning templates will be shared that are helpful for identifying how concepts grow over the grades, so that you can build a learning continuum within your instruction.


Beyond Saskatchewan

NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition
April 25-28, 2018, Washington, DC
Presented by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Join more than 9,000 of your mathematics education peers at the premier math education event of the year! NCTM’s Annual Meeting & Exposition is a great opportunity to expand both your local and national networks and can help you find the information you need to help prepare your pre-K–Grade 12 students for college and career success. Classroom teachers, administrators, math coaches, supervisors, college professors, and preservice teachers can all benefit from the sessions and learning at this event. Improve your knowledge and skills with high-quality professional development and hands on activities; gain insights by connecting and sharing with like-minded educators; collect free activities that will keep students engaged and excited to learn; and learn from industry leaders and test the latest educational resources.


[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Did you know that the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society is a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Affiliate? When registering for an NCTM membership, be sure to support the SMTS by noting your affiliation during registration. [/perfectpullquote]

Online workshops

Education Week Math Webinars
Presented by Education Week

Once a month, Education Weekly has a webinar focusing on math. They also host their previous webinars on this site. Previous webinars include Formative Assessment, Dynamic vs. Static Assessment, Productive Struggling and Differentiation.

Past webinars:
Upcoming webinars: