Over the years, the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers Society has offered a variety of awards to teachers in Saskatchewan. Past winners appear below. Currently, the SMTS offers the SMTS Service Award, awarded to a person or group who has had a tremendous and meaningful impact on mathematics education in Saskatchewan.
We are not accepting nominations at this time, but stay tuned for updates by following @SMTSca on Twitter.
Past Winners
Diana Sproat
Service Award
Nadine Anderson
Master Teacher Award
Dean Vendramin
Teaching Innovation Award
Wendy Sawatzky
Master Teacher Award
Susan Wilson
Service Award
Karen Hrycan
Master Teacher Award
Lorne Gottselig
Master Teacher Award
Nat Banting
Teaching Innovation Award
Lynda Longpré
Service Award
Karen Campbell
Master Teacher Award
Angie Harding
K-5 Teacher with more than 10 years teaching experience
Enid Davidson
K-5 Teacher with more than 10 years teaching experience
Christina Fonstad
6-9 Teacher with less than 10 years teaching experience
Mark Stockham
6-9 Teacher with more than 10 years teaching experience