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the subscript – Nov. 2021
Bite-sized ideas for your math classroom.
– British Columbia teacher Janice Novakowski shares her work with primary learners and Numicon blocks in this short blog post (that includes some task cards she created).
– Graham Fletcher shares how he encourages productive struggle with the popular Open Middle math prompts.
– Ontario high school teacher Andrea Biro shares her prompt to introduce the distributive property to her Grade 9s in this Twitter thread.
– Listen to this podcast episode where SMTS director Lana Steiner talks about capturing evidence from conversations and observations in the math class.
– The Making Math Moments Virtual Summit is being held on November 13th-14th, and the SMTS PD Series continues with SMTS director Anita Hamm leading a virtual workshop on November 18th: Making Connections in Math Class. Both events are free!
– Looking to get involved with the SMTS? All members are invited to attend the virtual SMTS Annual General Meeting on November 17th at 7:00PM. (Check your email for meeting link and AGM package)
the subscript is compiled by the executive of the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society. Suggestions for inclusions are always welcomed! Email: president@smts.ca
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