the subscript – November 2021

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the subscript – Nov. 2021

Bite-sized ideas for your math classroom.

– British Columbia teacher Janice Novakowski shares her work with primary learners and Numicon blocks in this short blog post (that includes some task cards she created).

Graham Fletcher shares how he encourages productive struggle with the popular Open Middle math prompts.

– Ontario high school teacher Andrea Biro shares her prompt to introduce the distributive property to her Grade 9s in this Twitter thread.

– Listen to this podcast episode where SMTS director Lana Steiner talks about capturing evidence from conversations and observations in the math class.

– The Making Math Moments Virtual Summit is being held on November 13th-14th, and the SMTS PD Series continues with SMTS director Anita Hamm leading a virtual workshop on November 18th: Making Connections in Math Class. Both events are free!

– Looking to get involved with the SMTS? All members are invited to attend the virtual SMTS Annual General Meeting on November 17th at 7:00PM. (Check your email for meeting link and AGM package

the subscript is compiled by the executive of the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society. Suggestions for inclusions are always welcomed! Email:

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